Here’s what the people are saying about Hope Rocks:

I found a wonderful rehab for my granddaughter and I was also able to share my story about my experience with addiction and suicide with my daughter whom I lost to drugs and my granddaughter (her daughter) whom I almost lost to drugs and suicide ♥️The people who run this festival and everything that it’s associated with are the most caring compassionate non judgmental people I’ve ever met in my life and will help you in any way they can whether you are actively using or a family member of a user♥️A piece of my heart belongs to HRF!
Finding joy and happiness in togetherness
Hope Rocks continues to be an invaluable and necessary event, very important…NEVER underestimate how many are affected and helped by this great event, will always volunteer, thank you to all involved…
Loved the feeling of togetherness and unity
Having a private conversation with someone who has struggled with addiction, is 5 years sober and what Hope Rocks and all the people there mean to her.
The feeling of fellowship
I enjoyed the music and artists sharing their connection to the mission.
The multiple stories of success from those that have been in many different stressful situations from suicide to domestic violence, drug abuse and much more. Those heartfelt stories let me know that I was in the right place at the right time to receive such uplifting news and to see how many have found coping mechanisms and strategies to keep them from reaching insanity.
We had an amazing experience. The staff always treats us with nothing but respect and that’s why we continue to come back each and every year.
As a performer, being able to connect with the audience and help them feel some joy through music, if even for a moment, was simply thrilling. The Hope Rocks team and all the volunteers were amazing. And a HUGE shout out to the sound engineers who did an AMAZING job!!!
Listening to brave individuals share their stories and their drive to help others achieve sobriety. I also was inspired by the non-judgement and openness about sensitive topic and that there is “hope” for a better tomorrow if we as a community support each other.
As a first time attendee/artist I was most moved by the kindness and professionalism shown by all of the staff and volunteers. The “mission” is what attracted myself and my band and to see people coming together in community was touching.